blog Feb 16, 2023
Avoiding Mental Burnout

I hope you've been practicing your organization skills because I've got another skill to share with you I think you're going to LOVE!


If you've been paying attention, we've been talking about using "inboxes" for everything and how you can manage them (check out my blog for more on this 😏). But my FAVORITE inbox I use is in the form of my master to-do list. This is my safe space for all the thoughts, all the things I know I need to do, all the things I know I want to do, and all the other things that are just taking up space in my mind can go to be sorted. I literally spew all of my thoughts into this ONE PLACE and then I'm able to go back and organize/prioritize them in order to get sh*t done.

How? What do I use? Well, I'm a busy mompreneur, so like anyone else, I'm constantly on the go but I always(ish) have my phone with me! So I love to the Notion app (my preference, you can use whatever note-taking system you use) to just dump all those ideas and things down PLUS it gives me the ability to categorize and prioritize all the things I need to do to keep me hyper-productive. Who doesn't love that, right?! With my master to-do list constantly evolving as I get things crossed off the list, not only do I feel productive, I can SEE it in action and that is just the best feeling.

PLUS, and this is the best part, in my opinion, all that mental load that I was carrying around has somewhere to go so I don't have to worry about it anymore. It's all on my master to-do list and I trust in myself and my process to get it all taken care of, so I no longer walk around stressing about it. And that quite literally frees up so much mental space and I'm able to stay clear-headed, focused, and looking like a super-human who CAN get all the things done. 

So let me challenge you: set up a master to-do list this week if you don't already have one. And then let me know how that's working for you by replying to this email. Did it help? Are you still overwhelmed and need more direction?

I've got you! And if you didn't know, I have templates pre-made and ready to use via the Notion app specifically made for insurance agency owners that help you keep all the things in one space and organized. (can use on your phone or computer!)

Like to Listen + Learn? Watch This Video To Learn More + Go Deeper on This Topic! 



EP 8 How To Take a Dump to Achieve Your Goals

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