EP 17 - How To Build A Team and Why It Changes Everything

Oct 30, 2020
team work, communication

This week we are going to be tackling the topic of your team! This can be the hardest part of business ownership: finding good people to do the jobs that need to be done. The right people in the right spots can be even trickier.  

Great leaders often say that their success comes from their team. This is true. Your team are the ones that put in all the legwork, and make your organization a great place to work. Your team often ends up being the experts in your field, because they’re on the ground floor learning your industry inside out, day after day. 

A great team member encompasses the core values of your company (see EP 11 for more information!) and consistently performs job responsibilities to the best of their ability. In this episode, I take you through an activity to determine who on your team is hitting all the marks, who needs some improvement, and who you should probably let go. 

I also discuss my first experience with having to fire an employee, and what can be done to help employees improve when they need to step up their job performance. 

Make your team the shining light that guides your company to greatness! 

Download my free Business Audit



EP 9 The Importance of Defining Your Company’s Core

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