EP 18 - How to Set Your Business Operation Activities (and who should do them)

Oct 31, 2020
business operations, planning

In today’s episode, I share an activity that will maximize the potential of your team. It involves writing down all of the daily operations of your company, from open to close of day, and identifying which of your employees are best suited to take care of each item on the list.   

The idea behind setting a business operation plan is to ensure that all parts of your operation are performed by employees that get it, want it, and have the capacity to do it. In other words, you’re assured by this plan that each task is being taken on by the employee that understands the task, wants to complete it as best as possible, and is able to do it better than anyone else on the team. It eliminates redundancies and inefficiencies.   

By creating a comprehensive business operation plan, you will also easily be able to see if there is a need to hire someone new! As you’re laying out your plan, you’ll quickly see if there are spots that need filling. 

I always encourage my clients to follow the “3 -ates”: delegate, automate, eliminate. In the case of a complete business operation plan, you will be doing all three - delegating tasks, automating where possible, and eliminating wasted time and energy! 

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